In the 8th Gate-2 Activation our Light Group took part as an Anchoring Group.  The preparations went on in a pleasant excitement and we were waiting for the 5th of June, the day when the NEW MATRIX of the TRUE HEART LOVE will be born by the Activation of 8th Gate-2 and the NEW CODES of the NEW CYCLE will be anchored to the Heart of Mother Earth.

On Friday morning, June the 5th, we woke up to a gorgeous day.  Not even a single cloud tarnished the bright aquamarine blue of the sky.  The air was sparklingly clear and caressing, which is quite unusual in the heart of Toronto, the metropolis and industrial centre.  We choose a picturesque spot with wonderful energies for  our Activation Ceremony in High Park.  It was a small meadow surrounded with fascinatingly giant trees, a crystal clear brook splashing on its edge, white violets marking the brook shores.  Behind us the brook was rushing into a miniature lake through a mini waterfall.  Across, on the other side of the stream, a fallen tree-gigant stumbled into the lap of a hug dead tree, like they were united in a sacred marriage.  Squirrels were playing on them and everywhere around.  We could not be led by the Heavens to a more beautiful, idyllic and intimate place!

Since we are a small group, we asked two tree-titans to be our guardians and hold the energies during the Activation Ceremony.  From the very first moment our guardians amazed us and when we were anchoring the influx of New Energies through our bodies laying on the earth under the guardian tree, we were fascinated by and could only admire the glittering dance of the light on their leaves.  It was a moment of Peace, Love and lightness of Freedom.

We started up the Ceremony in a playful cheer.  After the mudras and the gate standing in that moment of delightful joy we even plaid a sympathetic folk-dance of Golden Gate.

Later, during the break, at one moment we found ourselves in a Greater Reality.  As we were sitting on the grass, a duck couple walked very consciously to our spot.  About 10 inches in front of us they stopped.  Agnes threw broccoli pieces to them, but the drake with his wings gesticulating, made some coughing, guttural sound, this way letting us know that they can’t swallow that and they didn’t come to eat!  THEY ARE ON MISSION!  Couple of minutes we were staring at them astonished till it sank down, still incredulous in realization, that we ARE in the Greater Reality and together with Hajni I communicate with a duck couple.  The drake then began gracefully to preen, captivating our attention to get ready because the “big moment” is approaching.  As soon as I said aloud: “Girls the gate is opening soon!” they said bye to us, turned around and left straight to the lake behind us.

At the Dance of the Elements Eva represented the Fire Element completely unified with the Spirit of the Fire.  A flight of wild-gees passed by above us, as they were guided by the light of the Fire.

We were dancing the Earth-Star Dance when the “big moment” occurred.  First a bird piped in with a surprising tunefulness and volume right above our heads.  ( Later turned out that this was for Agnes)  NOW! crossed my mind.  We continued dancing.  After couple of minutes all of the sudden I knelt down and put both of my hands on the ground.  We continued dancing.  After few more dance steps I became aware of that what I feel is the influx of the NEW ENERGIES!  After a several anchoring movements we lay down on the ground and were happy to be in the Greater Reality.

Quite a few realms of Mother Earth were fully present and contributed to our Activation Ceremony.  The closing dance was done by a fox galloping gracefully across the park just before we left for home.

June 5th was a blessed day, and I am thankful to the Universe and to the members of the Light Group that I could be part of the MIRACLE!

Izabella Sari
